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Vicumpriya Perera Lyrics

Vicumpriya Perera Lyrics 01 (Paa Satahan) - Audio CD

We are featuring all 20 songs from the album of Vicumpriya Perera titled Paa Satahan for your listening pleasure as well. The CD contains 20 songs written by him. Tunes for all songs are composed by Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka. Songs are vocalled by Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka, Praneeth Mash, Indiwari Abeywardena, and Sumith Wanniarachchi. Music direction for all songs except "Mata Tharuk" is by Shantha Gunaratne. Mata Tharuwak is music directed by Lassana Jayasekera of Nimtec Studio - Gampaha. Recorded at Shan Studio by Shantha Gunaratne and distributed in Sri Lanka by Jayananda Record Bar of Malwatta Road.

Pas Satahan

Paa Satahan

Paa Satahan - Released by Vicumpriya Perera

Title Title

1. Kaalaye Kalu Walaa
    Vocals: Praneeth Mash
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

2. Aeyi Kekulu
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

3. Maalawika
    Vocals: Praneeth Mash
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

4. Malahiru Besa
    Vocals: Praneeth Mash
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

5. Wasanaa Gune
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

6. Waiwarna Pehe Ruwin
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

7. Kusumaka Ipadunaada
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

8. Komala Thala Rataa
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

9. Jaathiye Wilaapayak
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

10. Iri Thelunu Sandha Kirana
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

11. Ruwata Noeluni
    Vocals: Indhiwari Abeywardena
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka

12. Denata Kemathi Thenaka
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

13. Raja Pawulakata
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

14. Mata Tharuwak
    Vocals: Sumith Wanniarachchi
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Lassana Jayasekera

15. Paa Satahan
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

16. Etha Didulana
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

17. Aadara Sundara Ranwan
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

18. Athu Bindinnata
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

19. Witak Hapannata
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

20. Maadel Rellen
    Vocals: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
    Lyrics: Vicumpriya Perera     
    Composer: Bhadraji Mahinda Jayathilaka
    Music Direction: Shantha Gunarathna

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Nalin Jayawardena: Duru Ratawala Api

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