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Subhanie Amaradeva

Subhanie Amaradeva

We are featuring the Inaugural Music CD of Subhanie Amaradeva titled Gee Sara Malpethi containing 12 great songs for your listening pleasure. The CD will be released in Edmonton, Canada on December 03, 2005 following Gee Sara Malpethi concert.

Subhanie Amaradeva is a talented vocalist and the daughter of Music Legend Dr. Pandith W D Amaradeva. We congradulate on her achievement. This debut album of Subhanie contains lyrics written by great lyrics writers: Dr. Sunil Ariyaratne, Prof. Wimal Disanayake, Dr. Ajantha Ranasinghe, Monica Ruwan Pathirana, Sunil Sarath Perera, W A Abeysinghe, Wasantha Kumara Kobawaka, and Senerath Gonsal Korala. Music are composed by Dr Pandith W D Amaradeva, Victor Ratnayake, Rohana Weerasinghe, Sanath Nandasiri, and Mahinda Bandara.

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Gee Sara Mal Pethi


Gee Sara Mal Pethi by Subhanie Amaradeva
# Title Duration Lyricist Tune Composer Lyrics
0001Dolos Mahak
00:03:51 Senarath Gonsal KoralaW D Amaradeva
0002Ektam Geyi
00:03:30 Ajantha RanasingheMahinda Bandara
0003Gasaka Mahima Bala
00:03:56 Sunil Sarath PereraSanath Nandasiri
0004Gayana Sonda Gee Sindu
00:03:21 Mahinda WaakadapolaW D Amaradeva
0005Ira Nivilaa
00:03:42 Wimal DisanayakeW D Amaradeva
0006Ithin Piyaa Saramu
00:03:38 Wasantha Kumara KobawakaRohana Weerasinghe
0007Kalana Mithurange
00:03:31 Ven Katawala BuddhasiriW D Amaradeva
0008Koyi Koyi Yahaneda
00:03:26 Monica Ruwan PathiranaW D Amaradeva
0009Krishna Krishna
00:03:59 Sunil AriyaratneW D Amaradeva
0010Munindu Pahasin
00:03:38 Mahinda DisanayakeVictor Ratnayake
0011Sumanayee Anthima Dawasayi
00:03:48 Wasantha Kumara KobawakaSunil Dayananda
0012Uda Giren
00:02:43 W A AbeysingheW D Amaradeva

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Nalin Jayawardena: Duru Ratawala Api

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