Sripali Edirisinghe
Available are 18 original songs from the debut album "Sudu Tharaka". Songs listed in this album are written by Jagath J Edirisinghe, Dhammi Wijesinghe, Sisira Disanayake, Mahinda Disanayake, and Sriya Weththasinghe. Music and Tunes are by Rohana Weerasinghe, Victor Ratnayake, Rohana Dharmakeerthi, H M Jayawardena, Mahinda Bandara, Christopher Bandara, and Jagath J Edirisinghe. Duets are sung with Janaka Wickramasinghe, Rohan Shantha Bulegoda, Mihindu Mapa, Rohana Karunaratne, and Rohana Dharmakeerthi.
Sripali is an alumnai of Kandy - Usas Balika Vidayala and studied music under Lionel Gunathilaka. She has sung for SLBC and popular stages in Sri Lanka before emigrating to Australia in 1997.
Listed here are her first song "Hama Hamaa Edena" with Janaka Wickramasinghe and the second one "Kandulu Thota Langa" with Rohan Shantha Bulegoda.
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Sudu Tharaka
Sudu Tharaka by Sripali Edirisinghe