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Ruky Rukman

Ruky Rukman

We are delighted to feature the debut Music CD of Ruky Rukman, Ruky Boy on the Stage containing 10 great songs for your listening pleasure.

Gifted with the talent of singing, Ruky entered into the music field when he was 12 years old. Since childhood, he admired Desmond De Silva, Mohideen Beg, Paul Fernando, W. D. Amaradeva and many other Sri Lankan Artists. His favourite western singers are Bob Marley, Elvis Presley, Tom Jones and Eric Clapton.

Ruky has played drums and vocals in many music bands. Before leaving Sri Lanka, he was a member of the band Burn lead by Ashok.

After arrival in Austria, he played drums and did vocals in many bands with Austrians, Philippinos and Sri Lankans. Thereafter, he played guitar, percussion and vocals with pop, rock and reggae groups and vastly travelled around Austria and in many European countries.

As a one-man player, he does vocals and play the guitar in Austria.

His first song Kapiringna was recorded in Sri Lanka in the year 2000.

As a result of his special liking and talent to sing Baila, in 2005 he returned to Sri Lanka and released Ruky Boy on the Stage - Baila Super Spirit Compact Disk and the Audio Cassette with 10 songs. He had the privilege to be accompanied by famous musicians such as Lead Guitarists, Mahinda Bandara and Senaka, Rhythm Guitarists Milton Peris, Channa Atalage and Chula Perera, Bass Guitarist Amal, Drums Players Ranji and Jagath, Keyboard Players Raju Jayakody, Ranjith Dias and Vajira, Octapad Players Kumudu, Nadeera and Dewa, Violinist Kalani and Saxophonist Vajira. It was recorded at Mahie Studio and *Torana Studio Sri Lanka.

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To inquire about songs featured in this page please contact Ruky:

Tel: +43-1-256-5012
Mobile: +43-676-729-2530 
Email: ruky.rukman AT hotmail.com


Ruky Boy on the Stage


Ruky Boy on the Stage by Ruky Rukman
# Title Duration Lyricist Tune Composer Lyrics
00:03:40 Mahinda K PremasiriRuky Rukman
00:03:44 Jagath KulasingheJagath Kulasinghe
0003Kurundu Watte Manori
00:02:50 Ananda SeneviratneErnest Soysa
0004Mona Sabanda Gaanne
00:03:42 Ananda SeneviratneLal Thenabadu
0005Prema Purane
00:03:01 Ananda SeneviratneLal Thenabadu
00:03:11 Ananda SeneviratneErnest Soysa
0007Reetai Beetai
00:04:08 Ananda SeneviratneLal Thenabadu
0008Ruky Boy
00:03:52 Ananda SeneviratneLal Thenabadu
0009Sudhu Nonaa
00:02:44 Ananda SeneviratneLal Thenabadu
0010Tube Light
00:02:34 Hemasiri HalpitaErnest Soysa

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Nalin Jayawardena: Duru Ratawala Api

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