Jayantha Kapuwatte
Jayantha Kapuwatte was born in Sri Lanka and moved to The Netherlands in the late eighties. He is a qualified music teacher, voice trainer and a music therapist in Western Music but his passion for Sri Lankan music has never diminished.
He released this album mainly to raise funds for under privileged children (single parents' children) in Sri Lanka . The album consists of 13 Sri Lankan songs with a couple of duets with his mother, Evelyn Kumari Kapuwatte. All these songs were recorded by Jayantha's eldest brother, Augustine in his recording studio, Shans Recording Studio, Kandana , Sri Lanka .
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To inquire about songs featured in this page please contact Jayantha:
Website: www.jj-only.com Email: jjonly AT hotmail.com Email address : jjonly@hotmail.com Tel : +31-6-5175-0617

Songs by Jayantha Kapuwatte