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Yowun Gee
We are featuring some songs from the Yowun Gee Group established in early 1970s by the National Youth Services Ministry in the Sinhala Jukebox.

Yowun Gee group had brought talents to Sinhala Music Scene from various part of the country and is responsible for nurturing talents of many young and inspiring artists. The songs featured here are sung by artists who later made a name for themselves outside the Yowun Gee Group.

These artists include: Chandralekha Perera, Shirley Waijayantha, Marshal Janatha, Chandrasena Hettiarachchi, and Somasiri Medagedara.

Music for Yowun Gee 1 featured here was composed by Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe.

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Yowun Gee 1

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Yowun Gee 1

Title Title

1. Yowun Giiya
    Vocals: Yowun Gee

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

2. Dora Kawuluwen
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Chandralekha Perera & Marshal Janatha
    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

3. Kusumata Lanwii
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Chandralekha Perera

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

4. Aethata Aethata
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Chandralekha Perera

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

5. Thawalama
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Chandrasena Hettiarachchi

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

6. Igililaa
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Somasiri Medagedara & Theja Damayanthi

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

7. Rae Boowunaa
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Chandralekha Perera

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

8. Siitha Kanduyaaye
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Chandralekha Perera & Chandrasena Hettiarachchi

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

9. Sitha Suwapath
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Kanthi Gunalatha

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

10. Mata Epa
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Shirley Waijayantha (Gunasinghe)

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

11. Dhewata Dhigee
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Chandralekha Perera

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

12. Loo Satha Hata Setha
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Chandrasena Hettiarachchi

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

13. Gomman Kaluwara
    Vocals: Yowun Gee with Marshal Janatha

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe

14. Jayathu Jayathu
    Vocals: Yowun Gee

    Composer: Shirley Waijayantha Gunasinghe


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We wish to acknowledge the contributions of these people.


Nalin Jayawardena: Duru Ratawala Api

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