We are featuring 10 gospel songs of Nevanthi Gunasekera as appeared in the album CLOSER in SJB. The album is produced by Eshan Withan and mastered by Kamani Koralage. Music direction, engeering and Mixing was by Billy Fernando. Music assisted by Mahesh Denipitiya, Kumar de Silva, Sanjeeva Gurusinghe, and Vanya Goonathilake.
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To inquire about songs featured in this page and also to provide your comments, please write to: closer.cd at gmail.com or contact us below. The profits from slaes benefits The children's Ward of the national Cancer Institute, Maharagama, Sri Lanka and hence we urge you to buy this CD and support this cause.
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Unassuming about her career, singer Nevanthi Gunasekera one time singer in a duo scene with Diliup Gabadamudalige and later the first female vocalist to sing with the now popular Bathiya and Santhush when the group launched off, has released a CD titled Closer. The music is gospel and appropriate for the season.
"The CD was produced by Eshan W and the music was arranged by Billy Fernando who plays piano and guitar on some of the tracks. But we had other Sri Lankan pianists as well like Kumar de Silva, Mahesh Denepitiya and Vanya Goonathilake from the Symphony Orchestra who also played violin on certain tracks. Sajeeva Gurusinghe played concert flute and recorder. The music was different for me yet it was interesting" expresses Nevanthie, who has stretched her hand out to help children suffering from cancer.Do you miss singing with Diliup and B & S?
"To some extent yes. Bathiya and Santhush was fun. Superb really when we went to Kazakhastan. But then you have to move on. I had to go to England on the two year work permit which I was fortunate to get but when I returned I sang with Mahesh Denepitiya's band and Billy Fernando at dances and corporate functions. Eshan and I intend releasing another CD next February, here the music will be different."Nevanthi has acquired an LTCL in classical singing and she won the Sunday Observer Golden Clef Award for the Most Promising Singer when she was singing with Bathiya and Santhush from 2000-2005. So this season help the Children's Ward of the National Cancer Institute, Maharagama as all proceeds from this album is in aid of the Institute.

Closer Back Cover
Closer by Nevanthi Gunasekera