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Kanda Paamule - First Downloadable Sinhala CD from netcd.lakderana.com

Kanda Paamule

We are featuring the newest album by Nalin and Rohan Jayawardena titled "Kanda Paamule" for your listenining pleasure.

This CD is the the fisrt ever Sinhala Music CD released on the web and is now available at http://netcd.lakderana.com/kandapaamule/ as a free download for a limited time. If you are interested in aquiring a copy of the above CD please visit that site soon.

"Kandapaamule" is a collection of tracks recorded over years by two brothers Rohan and Nalin Jayawardena who currently reside in Australia. The Music direction and composition of all the songs were done by Rohan Jayawardena. He is an accomplished Sri Lankan music director and currently resides in Australia. Vocals are by Nalin and Rohan Jayawardena. Lyrics by W. Alwin, Anil Attapattu, Shelton Nawaratne, and Dr. Vicumpriya Perera. Duet vocals are by Malini Bulathsinhala, Nirmala Ranathunga, Nijamali Jayawardena, and Minali Gamage. All these songs were recorded (or remastered) in Australia.

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Kanda Paamule by Nalin Jayawardena
# Title Duration Lyricist Tune Composer Lyrics
0001Ada Apa Samuganna
00:02:59 R R JayawardenaRohan Jayawardena
0002Anduru Reyak Wiya
00:03:57 Anil Atapattu & Nalin JayawardenaRohan Jayawardena
0003Gaayana Karanne Maa
00:04:16 Shelton NawaratnaRohan Jayawardena
0004Kanda Paamule
00:03:03 Shelton NawaratnaRohan Jayawardena
0005Kawurudo Waga Kiyanne
00:03:34 Shelton NawaratnaRohan Jayawardena
0006Klesha Ashawe Weli
00:02:58 Nalin JayawardenaRohan Jayawardena
0007Malak Nam Oba with Nijamali Jayawardena
00:04:32 Shelton NawaratnaRohan Jayawardena
0008Mata Waasanawan
0009Ninda Nethin
00:04:20 Shelton NawaratnaRohan Jayawardena

Kanda Paamule by Rohan Jayawardena
# Title Duration Lyricist Tune Composer Lyrics
0001Budu Saminde with Minali Gamage
00:05:12 Vicumpriya PereraRohan Jayawardena
0002Hiru Sandu Lese (Remastered) Nirmala Ranathunga
00:03:15 Anil AtapattuRohan Jayawardena
0003Kawmada Pirimeda (Remastered) with Malini Bulathsinhala
00:04:09 W AlvinRohan Jayawardena
0004Nil Upul Wan (Remastered)
00:03:43 Nalin JayawardenaRohan Jayawardena
0005Nilmini Neth Yuga (Remastered)
00:03:09 Anil AtapattuRohan Jayawardena
0006Ransanda Sema (Remastered)
00:04:40 Anil AtapattuRohan Jayawardena

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Nalin Jayawardena: Duru Ratawala Api

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