Sadhu Janarawa
We are featuring the newest album by Jayathilaka Bandara titled "Sadhu Janaraava" for your listenining pleasure.
This cassette is the joint effort of the artists Jayathilaka Bandara, Mahinda Chandrasekera, Ariyasena Ratnayake, Kumara Eppawala, and Senarath Marasinghe.
The income generated from this cassette is donated to a fund created for the purpose of education of sons and daughters of the families who became refugees in Sri Lanka due to the ethnic war. If you would like to donate any money for this worthy cause, we suggest a minute sum of $2 (cost of the cassette is Rs. 120) be send to that fund directly.
Buy their music and support this worthy cause!!!
To inquire about songs featured in this page contact Sinhala Jukebox.

Back Cover
Jayathilaka Bandara - Sadhu Jana Raawa
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Acknowledgements We wish to acknowledge the contributions of these people. |