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Bonny Fernando

Bonny Fernando

We are featuring two albums of Bonny Fernando titled "Namal Wasanthe" and "Roo Rajinan." Roo Rajinan is his latest album with 16 songs.

Following is a write up of Bonny Quoted from Ceylon Daily News of July 27, 2002:

Bonny Fernando of Sri Lanka who lives in Sydney, Australia needs no introduction or write up with his talents for singing.

He has received the recognition of multicultural media with his artistic and mastery ability for singing. He has found his way into the hearts of people who appreciate singing both Sinhala and English.

Bonny demonstrate his capabilities for singing from his small age. His singing career opens over a period of three decades. Bonny who hails from Kurunegala, Sri Lanka is yet another versatile singer the country produced.

His rhythmic style of singing of both Sinhala and English songs in a significant combinations, bilinguality in singing in a multicultural environment in countries like Australia and Sri Lanka is a very welcome ability indeed.

In the early days of his career he became very popular because of his versatility of presentation of melodic songs of Jim Reeves.

During that time his audiences and critics developed a habit to identify Bonny as Jim Reeves of Sri Lanka. This identification was very appropriate as Bonny exhibited a musically disciplined skill and aptitude to sing with country & western orientation. This needless to mention here that it helped him always to win many young talent contests in Sri Lanka.

With his remarkable and enchanting ways of singing as a young artist he captured the musical audiences of Sri Lanka. This made it promise for him to become the lead vocalist with the "freedom" Kurunegala Sri Lanka.

With the group Bonny gave a large number of presentations in all parts of the country over a period of time, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation recognised Bonny's popularity and versatility as a western singer and opened its air waves regularly for him to please his audiences with numbers of Jim Reeves, Perry Como, Tom Jones, Elvis, etc. Later he appeared on Independent Television Network (ITN) of Sri Lanka "variety fare" of ITN featured Bonny and gave another rare opportunity for Sri Lankans to enjoy the evergreen with his silvery voice.

The time Bonny spent in Germany made him an international artiste. In Germany he sang with the resident bands at Gravenbruch Hotel and Sonnenschine Floating Hotels. Bonny has several records and audio tapes to his credit "Namal Wasanthe" which he released n 2002 is available in CD as well the songs he sings by himself and with Jeevarani Wijesena (Kurukulasuriya) the popular film artiste. In Australia Bonny has established himself as a popular artiste. He took part in almost all musical presentations and evenings organised by Sri Lanka Association of NSW Sydney/ Sinhala Cultural Forum/ The Tamil Cricket Association/ Sri Lanka Arts Council of Australia. It should be mentioned that several members of RSL clubs in NSW known Bonny as a country & western artiste.

Roo Rajinan

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Roo Rajinan


Ruu Rejinan by Bonny Fernando
# Title Duration Lyricist Tune Composer Lyrics
0001Adara Madhura Athithe
00:04:01 Lalith S Maithripala
0002Adara Naena
00:04:42 Ananda PadmasiriSarangan Ranganadan
0003Adaren Hitha Hinahe
00:04:04 Karunaratne Abeysekera
0004Ahasa Wiyana
00:03:31 Bandula NanayakkarawasamRohana Weerasinghe
0005Akasha Ganga with Uresha Ravihari Wickramasinghe
00:05:04 Sarath MunasingheImesh Rangana
0006Imu Saamayen
00:06:49 Chandradasa Fernando & Luke HenricusStanley Peiris
00:04:24 Vernon PereraSarangan Ranganadan
0008Mage Wasanaa
00:03:15 Karunaratne AbeysekeraPremasiri Khemadasa
0009Mal Ethano
00:03:30 Karunaratne AbeysekeraMilroy Dharmaratne
0010Mal Hee Gena
00:04:00 Karunaratne Abeysekera
0011Mama Gannemi
00:04:07 Dharmasiri Gamage
0012Onchili Chili
00:03:04 Karunaratne AbeysekeraS Shanmugam
0013Pera Aegeyi Mageyi
00:03:07 Karunaratne Abeysekera
0014Rae Yaame
00:03:45 Chandradasa FernandoSarath Dasanayake
0015Ran Kandha Mage
00:03:03 Karunaratne Abeysekera
0016Roo Rajinan with Nelu Adikari
00:03:53 Rajiv SebestianRajiv Sebestian

Namal Wasanthe by Bonny Fernando
# Title Duration Lyricist Tune Composer Lyrics
0017Akasa Ganga with Uresha Ravihari Wickramasinghe
00:05:06 Sarath MunasingheImesh Rangana
0018Awa Oba Awa with Jeevarani Kurukulasuriya
00:04:42 Chandradasa FernandoSarath Dasanayake
0019Hariyata Wenaswela with Saman De Silva
00:03:51 Chandradasa FernandoSaman de Silva
0020Imu Samayen
00:06:51 Luke Henricus & Chandradasa FernandoStanley Peiris
0021Maa Sandalu Thale
00:05:33 Vernon PereraSarath Dasanayake
0022Maala Manamaliya with Jeevarani Kurukulasuriya
00:04:40 Karunaratne AbeysekeraStanley Peiris
0023Naamal Wasanthe with Jeevarani Kurukulasuriya
00:04:10 Praneeth AbeysundaraStanley Peiris
0024Oba Pera Maga Enawa
00:04:37 Clarence WijewardenaStanley Peiris
0025Rae Yame
00:03:50 Chandradasa FernandoSarath Dasanayake
0026Raththaran Wasanthayak with Jeevarani Kurukulasuriya
00:03:35 Hemasiri HalpitaStanley Peiris
0027Ruwata Ruwe with Jeevarani Kurukulasuriya
00:03:32 Hector WijesiriSarath Dasanayake
0028Samanala Rate with Saman De Silva
00:07:18 Vernon PereraSaman & the Clan
0029Seethala Thanabima with Jeevarani Kurukulasuriya
00:05:12 Saman Chandranath WeerasingheSarath Dasanayake
0030Sinha Nade (Sri Lanka)
00:04:27 Vernon PereraSaman & the Clan
0031Sitha Ridawa
00:05:52 Sarath MunasingheIndika Dasanayake
0032You win again

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Nalin Jayawardena: Duru Ratawala Api

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