Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka
Bhadraji, winner of prestigious D. R. Wijewardhana Award (1994) for literature in Sri Lanka, has written over 30 novels in Sinhala and 02 novels in English. A singer, lyrics writer, and music composer in Sinhala and English, most of the songs listed below were written and composed by him. After migrating to the United States in 1973, he gradualted from Woodbary University with a B.S. in Communications and Public Relations, and M.A. in cinematography and video productions. In 1978, he helped in introducing Sri Lanka's first television station (ITN) and has worked as a producer and consultant for Rupavahini Corporation and ITN. He is an instructor in Theatre and Art Media at the Mt. San Jacinto College.
Click here to listen to Bhadraji's all Sinhala songs.
Click here to listen to Bhadraji's all English songs.
Please visit the official website of Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka (http://www.bhadrajijayatilaka.com/) for more information on him and his current projects.
If you would like to buy any of the albums listed in this page send us email or write to Bhadraji Jayatilaka, c/o Sinhala Jukebox, 633 San Dimas Street, Hemet, CA 92545, USA.
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